Over the weekend I came across a book called The Nature Fix by Florence Williams. Sometimes the title or cover of a book just catches my attention and I like to flip it open randomly and read a page or two.
This one immediately caught my attention as she wove stories of her father in the hospital with studies about improved healing and mood when patients had a view of nature through a window (rather than just a brick wall or no window)
I felt this myself on this rainy morning here in Louisville after enjoying time by the window with Rachelle, then stepping into another room with more walls than view – and immediately felt a shift in how I felt.
Hence I am back by the window as I type this. 😉
In this day of screens, indoor lighting, and “busyness”, let’s remember to enjoy a view out the window – or step outside – whenever we can.
Do you have a favorite spot to work or relax that gives you a view or some natural light?
Love to hear!
P.S. Want more tips by email to maximize your health and create a life you love? Hop on over to: Journey with Dr. Ben